Bolognese Recipes and Link Roundup

I admit that my cravings tend to be ADD. How is it that in the span of five minutes, I can go from wanting potstickers (the fat ones with the blubbery wrappers) to a hot dog (from Gray’s Papaya with plenty of red onions) to mac and cheese (with finely chopped onions melting into the sauce) and then right back to potstickers. I give my husband fucking fits – he can barely keep up long enough to shove my craving of choice down my throat before I’m already asking for something else. And if I’m online browsing through food porn, forget about it. In the span of an hour, I can have the foodie equivalent of multiple orgasms staring at everything I want at that very moment, only to be replaced by yet another want. It’s a hot mess.

And yet, when I get my mind on a pot of bolognese, something just sticks. My intentions never wander. Rather, I figure out the fastest way to defrost some ground beef in the freezer, and break out the celery, onions and carrots that always seem to be on hand. And I can always count on a wedge of pecorino romano and some dried pasta cuts to be present to seal the deal.

A couple years ago, I waxed (not so) poetically about my collection of bolognese recipes. And it seems that since then, I’ve continued to regale you with more and more of them, from pressure cooker versions to the culinary quickie of sauce recipes. I’ve included the clutch recipe from 2010 that is the focus of this trip down memory lane, a midweek stunner that earns you slow-simmered taste by “braising” the sauce in the oven. But if you’re all about variety, check out some of the other reincarnations of bolognese below for a little inspiration. And take part in the the link roundup at the bottom of the page and share your favorite meat sauce recipe. Maybe one of the recipes will have you craving deliciousness to the point of a food fit. Not that I know what that’s like…

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Your Turn to Get Saucy

Have a great meat sauce recipe that you’d like to share? Post it below in this link roundup and share with the hungry crew. We want it bad!